Commission Information

I adore collaborating with clients to bring their dream dice to life! Whether its creating the perfect set for your favorite PC, or preserving flowers from a special day into useable art, we’ll work closely together create exactly the dice you’re looking for.

Once I have enough information regarding your design, you will receive a final quote and we’ll move onto the design phase. I only request a $50 USD non-refundable deposit to begin test casting, and any coordination necessary for shipment of inclusions in your possession occurs at this stage as well. My test casting involves casting a single die to your design specifications, to ensure you approve of its physical appearance. You will receive both photos and a video of the die in various lighting conditions. I am happy to do up to five test casts; although it usually takes only one or two to achieve the desired design.

Once you approve of the test cast, I will request 50% of the remaining balance [(final quote - $50 USD) / 2)], and upon receipt, I will cast your design! If necessary, I will recast the set as many times as it needs to ensure you receive a fully cured, surface-bubble-free product. I let your set aerate for one week to ensure no cloudiness occurs during finishing, and of course you will be sent plenty of preview photos!

After one week, I begin the finishing process. Please note this is the part of dice making that usually takes the longest. Once the dice are sanded, I will request the final outstanding balance before inking and shipment!

My custom commission price begins at $200 USD for 7 piece sets and D20 chonkers, and $75 USD for d6 and 2d10 sets. This price includes design process, labor and domestic US shipping (including tracking and insurance). Final quote will depend on quantity, design difficulty and cost of additional materials. Once the test die is approved, I request 90 days for fulfillment.

I apologize, but I will not make dice that incorporate human or animal bones or cremated remains.